Sunday, December 11, 2011

Google Chrome, User Stylesheets, and Facebook People to Subscribe To Sidebar

I am an avid Facebook user. I really like it. To the point of near addiction... I need help, I really do.
Anyway, recently Facebook has allowed you to "subscribe" to people. What that means is that you can see what they are posting on their walls, but they won't see what you are posting on your wall. Nice for following athletes and other famous people. However, Facebook insists on putting advertisements up for people you should subscribe to. For some reason it kept wanting me to subscribe to various underwear, bikini, and Playboy models. I don't have any of those people as my friends, and I don't visit their web sites, so it isn't a cookie thing. Anyway, I wanted to get rid of it, because it was annoying.

Facebook will not allow you to remove this part of their page from your personal site, so how do you get rid of something like this??? The answer is personal browser stylesheets, or User Stylesheets.

So... What are User Stylesheets. Well, stylesheets are used on web pages to give the pages a uniform look and feel. One example is that you want all text in a table to be boldface. You set up your stylesheet to boldface the text in tables, then apply that stylesheet to all of your web pages. BOOM, all of the text in tables is boldface. Just that easy.
What does that have to do with what we are talking about? You can't change Facebook's stylesheet, so big whoup. Well, modern browsers use what are known as user sytlesheets, or a stylesheet that is installed on the user's computer that applies their stylesheet to all web pages browsed from that user profile. So, say you want all of your text to be red, regardless of what the web page has their set for. You can do that. You can also run specific Java scripts on the pages, to remove any bad words, or whatever.

I use Chrome for my primary browser, so first I needed to configure Chrome to use user stylesheets. That is easily done. All you do is change the Target property on the Chrome shortcut. You add "--enable-user-stylesheet" behind the chrome.exe in the text box. That's it! Chrome is now configured to use User Stylesheets.

I want to remove the People To Subscribe to section, so I have to figure out what that particular section's ID is. Chrome really helps developers out by including developer tool functionality. You just go to Settings then Tools then Developer Tools. I went through the code until I found the element I was looking for. It turns out that the element name is pagelet_ego_pane_w.
Thusly armed, I now need to write the line of code that will hide it forever more... Or until Facebook changes the element's ID... Anyway the code is simple just this: #pagelet_ego_pane_w { display: none }

The element found, and the code to hide it written, I need to add it to my User Stylesheet. I open Windows Explorer and find my user's AppData folder (this folder is hidden, so you will need to set Explorer to show all hidden folders). Once I am there I can go in to the Chrome user style sheet section (c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\User StyleSheets\). I opened the custom.css file, and put my code in at the top. Saved the file and restarted Chrome. Tada!!! No more annoying Subscribe To sidebar!! Hooray!!


  1. Google lead me here, and now my life is 100x better. No, Facebook, I don't want to subscribe to all the porn stars that my ONE pervy friend is subscribed to. Thank you so much for documenting this!

  2. Sounds really useful - thanks mate, well done for pointing out how to use this feature for GOOD!
